Annyong Haseyo!
mannaso pan-gapsumnida!
che irumum anisah eyo!
Haha that is only some of the korean i have learn!
Well I’m just like every other girl.
Hoping to achieve more in the future.


I really wish to have dimple.
I love Korean singer/band i want to say their names/band name but i scared someone! will look up on them.
I hate people who think they are all that but they are not.
Really, really loves kpop.


Ayn x BBSS - NPCC x Syae x Lee Peng DM x DJ GZY x Timotheus x Wei Zi ( SIR ) x Luqman x Eugene x Hon Tat "Mary Onni x Tim x Jun ci x 4T1 x




August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009
September 2009



Np camp Rox!

The 4 days 3-night camp was tiring but it was fun we learn kickboxing, CQC and many more. I hate the changing parade it was so tiring, the campfire was so funny (do what I do uh! Say what I say uh!) Haha…. I wish next year camp is something like this to…

9:07 PM

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NO! Birthday plan )):

Yes I finally get over him ((: I feel so free but sometime lonely cause I always talk to him when I’m bored but who cares; anyway my birthday is finally coming (16 Nov) yeah! Firstly for my birthday my friend and I are planning to go ice-skating but it is too expansive, so we change plan and decided to watch a movie but my friend mom won’t let her go so now I have no birthday plan and have to stay at home on my birthday * sigh *

4:43 AM

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