Annyong Haseyo!
mannaso pan-gapsumnida!
che irumum anisah eyo!
Haha that is only some of the korean i have learn!
Well I’m just like every other girl.
Hoping to achieve more in the future.


I really wish to have dimple.
I love Korean singer/band i want to say their names/band name but i scared someone! will look up on them.
I hate people who think they are all that but they are not.
Really, really loves kpop.


Ayn x BBSS - NPCC x Syae x Lee Peng DM x DJ GZY x Timotheus x Wei Zi ( SIR ) x Luqman x Eugene x Hon Tat "Mary Onni x Tim x Jun ci x 4T1 x




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The amazing day we had at the village!

Just came back yesterday, it was so awesome how I wish we could go there again. (Well if I say 6 of us it is me, my older sis (ain), my younger bro (naeem), my neighbor younger bro (idil), his older sister (hayyu), and their older bro ( rauuf )

Day 1,
We reach there at about 9:00pm, it was dark we can’t go anywhere so we have to hang around the house. My grandmother built a small hut and a swing beside her house. When we have unpack our bag we went hang out at the small hut while our parents had already sleep. It was just for a while when my sis got tired and wanted to go to bed, so all of us decided to went in to. But when we went in we didn’t sleep we talk, laugh and tell jocks until it was 2am in the morning.

Day 2,
We wake up to pray in the morning and the guys went to bath first well I don’t know how the guys woke up first but anyway when all the 6 of us have done with breakfast we went to explore the whole village with our mother, well we went out at about 7 or 8 in the morning it was still early so we never get to see the village people so we return back to the house. We were quite bored cause we got nothing to do the guys keep playing their playstation2 and the girls we keep going out and in to the house to see what we can do well of cause there is nothing to do so when the guys have done playing their games we decided to built a campfire and we did and we slept early that night.

Day 3,
Well as usually we woke to pray and took a bath, well that day was the same as the second day the 6 of us after breakfast we went to look around the whole village but this time our mother didn’t follow us we went our self it was really fun we walk all the way to the end of the village. When we walk one by one the villager ask when did we arrive it’s like we are popular there everyone know us. From the end of the village one of the guys decided to run back to the house non stop and see who reach first. So we started running half way us girls stop and the guys continue running they must be crazy cause we guys ate our breakfast and they ask us to run, so we just kept walking back to the house. When we reach the house we built a campfire, play games and rest.

Last day, (The day we have to go home)
My neighbors keep saying that we are leaving soon, before we left the 4 of us (not included my older sis and my neighbor older bro) went to look around the whole village for the last time. When we went back to the house our parents ask us to change we are going back it is so sad before we left our parent brought us to one of the villager, which is my cousin house which is my neighbor father uncle house. When we have done there we went to eat pizza hut. After that we went to the CD store to get some movie after that we went home.

I just can’t forget this amazing moment.

6:10 AM

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One more day to go!

We are going on the Saturday, but I still haven pack yet. 4 days 3 nights it feel like I’m going camping sia. We are planning to do a campfire and have a filed cooking there, I think it will be fun I can’t wait. I thought we are going there just my family and my neighbor but my father sibling is following us to that made me half hearted to go. Well I can’t tell my parent they cannot follow what cause it their parent village. Ouh well…

11:04 PM

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12 day camp! so long

I’m so bored at home. My sis had gone to Brunei for 12 days and I don’t have a buddy to fight with. So many things had happen at home and we can’t contact her. Her phone had been confiscated by her teacher they will return her the phone the last day of her camp. When she returns I’m sure she will be shocked to here what had happen at home. I hope she will return home safe.

9:09 PM

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Grandma Village Here I Come!

Haiz, I can’t wait to go to my grandma village it will be lot’s of fun, more excitingly my next door neighbor will be following us. I can’t imagine the amazing thing we are going to do there. Well it not like we never been there before, we were young that time. we fight a lot and we had no fun now that we have all grow up we can have all the fun we want. ‘Sigh’ I just can’t wait…

9:36 PM

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