Annyong Haseyo!
mannaso pan-gapsumnida!
che irumum anisah eyo!
Haha that is only some of the korean i have learn!
Well I’m just like every other girl.
Hoping to achieve more in the future.


I really wish to have dimple.
I love Korean singer/band i want to say their names/band name but i scared someone! will look up on them.
I hate people who think they are all that but they are not.
Really, really loves kpop.


Ayn x BBSS - NPCC x Syae x Lee Peng DM x DJ GZY x Timotheus x Wei Zi ( SIR ) x Luqman x Eugene x Hon Tat "Mary Onni x Tim x Jun ci x 4T1 x




August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009
September 2009




I have groupmates for Sarawak,

Zhiting, Angeline, Brintha, Diana Afiqah, Fred, and Timotheus.

People in my group are very friendly and helpful. I heard that one of my group member didn’t want to go and he is looking for someone to replace him:( I hope he will go cause I don’t want my group member to change, I like it just the way it is now. I cannot wait to go there and work together with my groupmates. I am sure it will be lots of fun.

1:58 AM

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Soccer match...

Justin training...
Team captain Lionel leading the team in the warm up
Toilet Break!..
Jeremy, Ashraf, Arwyn and Naeem

Saturday went to watch my brother soccer match, the weather was so hot! I was so amazed that they can train and play from 12pm to 2pm under the hot sun I was there for like ½ hour and I can’t stand the heat, some more I’m in NPCC must stand under the hot sun and cannot move. But it was quite fun cause you can see people from other country such as Korea, Japan, Australia ect play a match against each other. Well actually I didn’t want to go but my sis force me to go so I went.

1:07 AM

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