Annyong Haseyo!
mannaso pan-gapsumnida!
che irumum anisah eyo!
Haha that is only some of the korean i have learn!
Well I’m just like every other girl.
Hoping to achieve more in the future.


I really wish to have dimple.
I love Korean singer/band i want to say their names/band name but i scared someone! will look up on them.
I hate people who think they are all that but they are not.
Really, really loves kpop.


Ayn x BBSS - NPCC x Syae x Lee Peng DM x DJ GZY x Timotheus x Wei Zi ( SIR ) x Luqman x Eugene x Hon Tat "Mary Onni x Tim x Jun ci x 4T1 x




August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009
September 2009



CNY celebration...

CNY celebration was ok la I love the part where the Sagaho School (Japanese school) perform for us they are so cute (both guys and girls). Luckily I’m one of the helper for the back stage if not I don’t get the chance to take picture with the Japanese guy, Thanks to who ever that told Jia Yi to help. But I still regret some thing, I want to take picture with the MC from their school he is so H.O.T. Every one in school is falling for him argh! I should ask him to take picture with me just now. Haiz! But nvm I took picture with 2 guys from the school, they were on stage eating and angeline help me to ask them, Thanks Angeline for asking, haha. The girls were friendly but I didn’t get to take picture with them cause they were still eating. (sorry Gou yong).

Tim and Jared Being gay...

11:17 PM

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Enrichment classes...

Today we have enrichment classes, I got my own guitar! Yes! Haha! I don’t know why I’m like so excited, cause I have like 3 acoustic guitar and 1 electric guitar at home, I think because it’s black in colour, and black is my favorite colour. I know some might be wondering why I got this guitar, because for NT we have our enrichment lessons then we can choose which one we want to learn Guitar or one more I forgot, I think some boring lesson where you learn how to build model. So we choose Guitar then we thought we just go there they will lend us Guitar then we learn, but what I didn’t know was that after the whole lesson we can bring back the Guitar but we must pay $45 I think. But still not bad what… and they say that we will be performing either during teachers day, NT day or… sorry forgot again (STM) haha. The sec 2 is learning drum but the drum is the dust bin haha so sad…

My New Guitar...

Teaching Liyana a simple song....

See that guy there, he's the one who help us tune our Guitar and will be teaching us for this lessosns.

Everyone is busy plying with their new Guitar.

Siti Guitar is the same as mine BLACK.

5:04 AM

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OMG! I feel sorry for Wilson. The Sec 4s was suppose to vote who will not go for the UG Camp Wilson, Ye yang or Brandon so far no one voted for Brandon that means he’s in, but 6/10 of us voted for Ye Yang to be in so that means Wilson is out. Now I don’t know how to tell him. I scared he will be sad cause I know how it feel like to be rejected after you were chosen…

4:32 AM

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I’m bored, nothing to do. I want to iron my Npcc Uniform but my sis is having tuition and the iron is in her room, homework I don’t know how to do and liyana promise to do together with me tomorrow in school, well before school start of course. So I think I will just blog. Haiz! Let see, tomorrow training for US the sec 4s we must revise on our drills cause SSGT test is next Friday 30th January 2009 and all of us have forgotten all of our drills. Cheryl mam’d say that the CI is coming but she never mention who. I hope it’s not…… ( Sec 4s you know who ) I think I better pick my Uniform if I want to go to bed early

4:08 AM

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Project R.I.C.E Again...

Just came back from Project R.I.C.E Again! haha to we distribute the rice to the people who really need it, ok la it was fun. I love the part where I went with Ye Yang, Feng Ru, Brandon, Yi Hao, Wilson, Yong Hui, Eugene, Tim, James and 1 more guy I don’t know who to distribute the rice to the HOME ( I forget the name ) when we were going back to school in the lorry they started singing the Chinese New Year song so funny. I didn’t know that my Cadet love to sing ok la I was not so shocked with some of them but Yong Hui! He was like OMG! Totally different person. I never see him so high before, he was rapping in the lorry. They sing song until we reach school so fun haha. When we were waiting for the other to come back Mr Lam ask the Sec 3s Npcc guys ( cause the girls haven’t come back ) to do pumping here are the Picture.

Our New CC ( Camp Coordinator )

Look at our CC so happy at the back...
Argh! I forgot tomorrow got school! oh ya bout the picture for the CCA Showcase, Stupid Camera i still cannot put the picture in.

5:11 AM

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Project R.I.C.E

Just came back from Project R.I.C.E, damn tiring but overall it was fun. When we came back school we help the guys (Ye yang, Brandon, Feng ru, Wilson and Jung an) to put sticker on the plastic bag for the rice. Then when we finish putting sticker, ye yang and feng ru start talking bout putting the campfire in the hall (how lame is that) actually can but I don’t think the principle allow us to do that. Then when we were talking one by one started coming and they start talking bout the post in Npcc and because of someone they wanted to quit. Haiz! Nvm, I will be seeing them again tomorrow and I think I will have to rearrange again the post for the March Camp cause they like never give chance to other’s who never lead before.

3:37 AM

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CCA Showcase

CCA Showcase today was ok I guess, band was so WOW! I don’t know why but I’m love with band now but I still must support my Unit (haha lame I know). Today I just walk around with chanel we got nothing to do so we just walk around slacking. Then we went back to the booth and we saw our EX EX DM standing there. So I brought the EX DM and the EX EX DM tour around the school. The tour thing was quite boring so we went back to the booth to watch the fashion show. I thought the fashion show will have the cat walk all that, but they just fall in in a squad. Like the selected people from all UG fall in together then they just introduce the attire that they are wearing so boring. Then me, fish, jia yi, liyana and hayati decide to walk around the school to see other people booth. So I told them that I want to see BAND performers so we went there. Band was so WAH! Need I say more? “They” ( sec 4s NP u guys sure know who ) look at me! Hahahaha! I think I’m going crazy, BTW I took picture with Timotheuse and his “mustache” haha so cute, but I don’t know what happen to the cam I can’t put the picture in so I will post the picture next time… ( I will surly post the picture of CCA Showcase )

5:30 AM

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What's your problem!

Wah! Heart pain sia! So what if I’m a Korean fan I never bother you right! Argh! It’s not like I go to you and scream right! Almost all my classmate know i'm a korean fan even my teacher know that! Wah I never see this kind of guy before in my life! Wish he will grow up!

5:15 AM

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I miss my Grandma...

Watching my friend cry over her uncle death is just sad I can’t do anything but watch. If I talk to her she will surely cry more. When I found out her uncle passed away and saw her crying non-stop in class remind me of my grandma who had left me. I still cry without people noticing, some time when my mom scold me or my sis I kept wondering what will my grandma do if she is still around and that what me cry. I still can’t forget her. I miss her laughter, her smile, the way she scold us. I miss everything bout her. She was such a great grandma; I hate my grandfather for marrying someone else a few days after my grandma passed away. I really miss her so much. If I could turn back time I will tell her I love her more then anything in the world.

“Mak I love you!”

11:09 PM

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Caption Ball...

Today was fun we, played caption ball during enrichment lesson all the people in class played. Well not all but almost all played this never happen before haha. I’m so happy we are finally together as a class ( well sometimes ). At first we were playing this game with chairs, like we have 2 groups the guys group and the other is a mixtures of guys and girls. Then we must form 1 line facing each other, in front of us there’s chairs around 6 or 7 or more. Then when they say start we must move to each chair, we cannot miss a chair. When we meet each other we must challenge each other with rock, paper, scissors. Who ever win the rock, paper, scissors get to move on to the next chair. When the person get to the end that means the group win. (I know when you read this you will get confused and don’t know how to play, it’s a lot easier if you see people playing it then reading this)

Anyway when we were playing this game it’s get violent with the guys pushing around, and in other group they have pou kai so the girls in our group don’t dare to go so we back out. That when our trainer asked us to play caption ball, it started with 7 in each group then it’s add on and on and on until almost the whole class is playing. It was so fun. WAH! But when the game get more exciting farhan hit his knee on a box that made from wood, that when everyone stop playing. I will post the picture next time.

4:07 AM

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Ultimate Race

Ultimate Race today for me is B.O.R.I.N.G. I must stay in the library and do the stupid photo album I shouldn’t have switch place if Liyana she was suppose to be the IT but I thought the IT no need to do anything, but in the end the IT have more job to do the other just have fun and play the game Argh! Well the guys are ok I guess cause I was not with them today so I don’t know how they behave, oh well. I took a lot of photo today so here they are…

4T Self-Discipline ( 4T1)

Our poster that we make together...

You know what they are looking at?... this pic

Mary is up to no Good...

Desmond - I believe I can fly...

Artist at work...

Gou yong

Admiring the Poster...

Kurt dances...

Look that animal is chasing Didi...

Guess who...

Waiting in line...

At last i see some team work in our class...

Pick-a-boo i see you...


12:11 AM

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