Annyong Haseyo!
mannaso pan-gapsumnida!
che irumum anisah eyo!
Haha that is only some of the korean i have learn!
Well I’m just like every other girl.
Hoping to achieve more in the future.


I really wish to have dimple.
I love Korean singer/band i want to say their names/band name but i scared someone! will look up on them.
I hate people who think they are all that but they are not.
Really, really loves kpop.


Ayn x BBSS - NPCC x Syae x Lee Peng DM x DJ GZY x Timotheus x Wei Zi ( SIR ) x Luqman x Eugene x Hon Tat "Mary Onni x Tim x Jun ci x 4T1 x




August 2007
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June 2009
September 2009




Sad sia, I know everyone like don’t care bout Np ready now but can’t they like at least go for the last Np Day? That is the last day we are going to stand together as a Unit in front of the whole school. They say nvm still got POP but what can we do during POP hand over our Rank only what some more no one can see us and I’m going to hand over my rank to RIDZWAN! I feel like scolding/shouting at people right now….But I think I will not think bout Np anymore Instead I will concentrate more on my N-level

4:49 AM

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Haha… looks like everyone is addicted to Super Junior now hehe…
But I can say that I’m addicted to them since their first album was out…Ask me anything bout them I’m sure I can answer you…

2:31 AM

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Korean Fanatic...

OMG! I’m so in love with Korean u can call me crazy, I don’t care haha…. But I think there’s more people who is more obsessed then me… just look at their picture on my facebook there’s only 2 words to describe them that is * WOW * & * HOT * hehe….

12:30 AM

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It’s been so long since I last update….

Exam finally over… now I can relax until my N level.I can’t wait for all of the upcoming events like going on a trip to bintan, Sentosa, pulau ubin etc… but I’m not really sure if we are really going to Bintan because of the ‘Pig Flu’ which occur to be in Malaysia to… but I really hope to go there with my classmate since this is our last year together… * Cry * haha…

12:29 AM

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