Annyong Haseyo!
mannaso pan-gapsumnida!
che irumum anisah eyo!
Haha that is only some of the korean i have learn!
Well I’m just like every other girl.
Hoping to achieve more in the future.


I really wish to have dimple.
I love Korean singer/band i want to say their names/band name but i scared someone! will look up on them.
I hate people who think they are all that but they are not.
Really, really loves kpop.


Ayn x BBSS - NPCC x Syae x Lee Peng DM x DJ GZY x Timotheus x Wei Zi ( SIR ) x Luqman x Eugene x Hon Tat "Mary Onni x Tim x Jun ci x 4T1 x




August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009
September 2009




Day 1:

When we reach the resort we had lunch then the instructor there introduce themselves to us me, lee peng and liyana keep laughing at the way they speak. The first activity was rafting our group manage to sit on the thing and float in the water for quite some time ( thanks to NPCC Campcraft skill ) before the boys come and destroy our stuff. Then follow by kayaking then dinner, after dinner we plan not to sleep but in the end in the middle of the night everyone went back to their bunk and left jun ci and amos outside sleeping

Day 2:

Breakfast then we had our activity which is the rock climbing, climbing the coconut tree and the obstacle course. Shahrizal was so funny the instructor there told us if we want to let go or go down we must hold the rope but when he hold the rope he landed flat on the ground and the instructor who is holding the rope was flying seriously very funny… then in the afternoon we set off to go to the Survivor Island which is also known as Pulau Hantu but before we set off there is another activity which is flying fox… actually it was so cool even Hafeez and Sherman did it after we encourage them Sherman back out the first time but after the encourage from us he went. We set off to Pulau Hantu after that, we kayak for about 1 hour to reach Pulau Hantu and we found out nth was there no wonder they call it Survivor Island. After Dinner we set around the Camp fire listening to the instructor playing the guitar and singing out Favorite song ST12 “Puspa” around midnight all the girls went to the tent to sleep while the guys sleep outside with their sleeping bag.

Day 3:

Woke up have our breakfast and went to a village to take a look at the place,
Boom netting was fun but so sad lee peng cannot enjoy the fun with us because of her injury. We took the bus back to the resort clean ourselves up and went to the orphanage home but before we set off while waiting for the others hon tat say that he heard something on the Island last night ( if you want to know the story ask him yourself ). Everything at the orphanage was donated from Singapore, we didn’t talk much to them in the beginning cause we don’t know what to talk about but then our instructor manage to break the awkwardness by playing games, in the end we were having so much fun then it’s time to leave Lee peng was so popular among the guys there they keep asking for her number. After dinner we have our campfire you can see that our class was the one who bond a lot during our trip there everywhere we go we will go together. But before the campfire something shocking happen well I think it’s not nice to talk about it… after the campfire some of the guy and girl went to sleep I remember for our class the guy who went to sleep first was Philip, Hakim, and Sherman.

Day 4 ( Last day ):

Our Class girls woke up late we woke up around 8 while the guy woke up around 7 I think, after breakfast we have our free time until 12.00pm all the 4T1 went to play archery while Lee peng was gambling outside our bunk we had so much fun until everyone came over to play. Lunch was serve at 12.00pm and we had to leave at 1.00pm after we finish our food we pack our stuff and say goodbye for the last time to the people there it was so hard to say goodbye. Some of us try to hold back the tears but the tears just came out by itself. The Instructor who me, lee peng and liyana make fun on the first day become close with us, he promise to come to our school and visit us one day.

Bintan was FUN we really wish we could stay there longer time fly so fast…

6:42 AM

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